Al Muntada Develeopment Project our contacts on the ground have undertaken upon themselves to repair the vandalized Wakhungu Shallow well. Below is an extract of Br Salim email and pictures of the repair work.
As regarding the Wakhungu shallow well, we had an official meeting on 28/05/2014 deliberating on the issue and we unanimously agreed that the office will undertake the initiative of replacing the vandalized items from the borehole and render it operational once again as it is our responsibility to do the same. In fact we have undertaken all the necessary procedures and we shall be sending Bro. Offergeld to the site probably tomorrow Friday 30/05/2014 to commence the repair work. As regarding its security we shall make sure that the necessary measures are also taken to ensure that not only the Wakhungu borehole but all the other projects are also safe and operational.