“Kazi imeanza” on Project 16, 17 and 18

Alhamdulillah, thanks to all your donations and a local Perth community coming together to raise fund for a shallow well of their own, we now are able to start another 3 shallow wells.
Below are the signed agreements for
Signed Agreement Project 16 - Kendu Bay Town
We were expecting to commence project 13 and 14 in October but there were minor hurdles with regards to getting confirmation from the community leaders that the water will be free for all and other logistical hurdles.
Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God) we have overcome those hurdles and the finish line is in sight.
Instead of assisting out 2 villages in October, now in December we are able to assist 3 villages. Agreements have been signed and funds transferred this morning.
Signed Agreement Project 13 - Luwero Village
One Dollar Project working in collaboration with Park Road Youth Group presents Video report of the 2015 Ramadhan Food Program.
SubhanaAllah this has been our year of highest achievements for this program.
First we have managed to raise the highest amount recorded in the 9 years of this program
Second which is probably the highlight of this year, Jane from Lower Kabete has a young son who is a Muslim and as their family is struggling Park Road Youth Group identified them as recipients of the food ration. When Jane saw the generocity of the Muslims to her son and her family as a whole she decides to give the shahada and accepts Islam. SubhanaAllah.
A very emotional 2015 video. May Allah (SWT) accept from us all.