Another project completed Alhamdulillah. The residents of Timboni Village now have access to water in their village. JazakaAllah Kheir for you donations.
They are very grateful for the assistance. Majority of them are sisters. Many are Widows with Orphans. Alhamdulillah we were able to assist. Alhamdulillah we were chosen to assist them. JazakaAllah Kheir
No need to pump by hand, relax, No need to worry about month end electrical bills, its free. Just get water when you need it. Alhamdulillah for the sun. Alhamdulillah for solar panels. JazakaAllah Kheir for your donations.
The school has over 350 students and not access to water. This was a difficult one where the drilling rods broke in 3 different sites. See how the community now come to school to get water. Thank you for your donations and support.
They have an open shallow well which is far away and crumbling which make it Dangerous for the community. Alhamdulillah, now they have hand pump shallow in they village which is Safe. The residents are saying... Thank you
“Sawa sawa” in Swahili mean “All Good” The All good village and now better than all good. Its great now Alhamdulillah. They didn’t have a water source in their village but now they have it. Truly is “Sawa sawa” at Sawa Sawa village. Thank you for your donation and support. It is making peoples lives…
Its very moving when we see smiles on their faces. The mothers of the village came together and formed a committee that will look after the shallow well.
PROBLEM: They have an open well but people practicing witchcraft throw their things into the well. Sometime they go fetching water and get dead cat or other things with knots. Everyone is afraid of using that water. SOLUTION: Drill a shallow well in the village center which has a concrete base and hand pump. ALHAMDULILLAH…