Project 56 – Well at Ngomeni Secon
They have 700 students enrolled. Boarding and Day students. Very high need to clean drinking water The students say “Thank…
Project 55 – Shallow Well Kahawani
We had nearly lost hope but.. We don’t have taps, we don’t have a water well, so... Now we see…
Project 52 – Shallow Well in Kirah
They said, Continue to help others EVERY DAY, EVERY TIME We ask God to bless you ASANTE (Thank You)
Project 54 – Shallow Well Ngomeni
This one is for “The Habibis” Project 54 a shallow well in Ngomeni C village is truly a Win Win project.…
Project 53 – Solar Powered Shallow
Sometime 2 to 3 weeks without water. Now they have a solar powered shallow well. No electricity bill nor effort…
Pricilla Adero, one of the mothers in the village is very thankful. Here is her message to us.
Project 50 – Shallow Well Wayani V
Alhamdulillah we have reached project 50!! The ladies say Oooayyaaa!! Their prayers have been answered. They have water a stone…
Project 49 – Shallow Well Minazi M
The village name is "Minaz Mingi" which mean lots of coconuts. May we can now call it "Maji Mingi" meaning…
One of our highest donation so far. Over 2,500 families received the food ration this year. We contribute for over 500 of the…
Project 48 – Shallow Well Ngombeni
They now have water in their village and other don't have to wall that far. Everyone can access it.. because…
Project 47 – Shallow Well in Mwana
From an open well which is unsafe and unclean to Shallow Well - Safe and Clean. Alhamdulillah. JazakaAllah Kheir for…
Project 46 – Shallow well in Timbo
Another project completed Alhamdulillah. The residents of Timboni Village now have access to water in their village. JazakaAllah Kheir for you donations.