Visit to Al Muntada Kenya offices

One of the team members of ODP is currently in Kenya and has taken some time to visit Al Muntada Kenya Offices in Nairobi. Al Muntada Kenya is one of our contacts on the ground and has assisted us in implementing all the 16 completed shallow wells in western Kenya and the coastal region.
Some of the point discussed was the delay in the getting documentation ready for the next 3 shallow well that was request and Al Muntada explained some of the challenges faced on the ground.

1 Response

  1. Assalam alykm Warahmatullah. Hello sir! Mosque No 10945 /17055 Kolongolo Request the following insha'Allah 1*Renovation(Paint) 2*Monthly Swadaqa for imam 3*Water 4* Electricity We are very grateful and thankful to Allah and to you for all that you have done for us .We beg that you keep on helping us insh'Allah.

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